Love tomatoes: nature's anti-ageing weapons

Love tomatoes: nature's anti-ageing weapons

Tomatoes are grown and eaten throughout the world and are believed to be great for the heart. They contain lycopene, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. In some studies lycopene, especially in cooked tomatoes, has been linked to the prevention of prostate cancer and may help with decreased risk of breast cancer, head and neck cancers.

Lycopene has also been shown to improve the skin's ability to protect against harmful UV rays and so for this reason the tomato is a great weapon against ageing. But also don’t forget to use sun protection (for UVA and UVB) and anti-ageing oils for your lips.

As well as eating tomatoes for their benefits, if you’ve got some that are a bit squishy and not at their best for salads or cooking, then whizz them up in the blender with some lemon juice, a pinch of salt, pepper and a sprig of parsley for a lovely refreshing juice.